Take no Rest, until Good becomes Better and Better becomes Best
In conversation with Team Laja, a versatile businesswoman and an exceptional Financial Advisor, Dharmishta Bhatia Shah shares her journey.
LAJA: Tells us the one thing about you that no one knows.
DBS: What no one else knows about me is that I absolutely hate deadlines! This is because it’s the journey that is more exciting to me! That’s where all the learning happens. It is not the end result that I’m interested in.
LAJA: Nice! What is it about your story that makes you, you?
DBS: Today, I’m a mother to a 14 year old and an accomplished entrepreneur. But my life has been a roller-coaster. The positive phases have definitely been there to raise my spirits but I’m also grateful to the negative phases to help me become who I am today. It is rightly said that ‘Chaos creates Order’ and inspires the creation of some stronger and more beautiful!
My love and devotion to my family and friends has been the backbone of my story. Today, I am glad that they value my opinions and turn towards me for advice.
LAJA: How does formal education play its role in business according to you?
DBS: I have completed AMFI-USA and FSS- USA after Graduation. I have this constant urge to learn more and am currently pursuing Certified Financial Planning. Having said that, I believe that the key role of education is to understand what to speak and when, how to speak and to whom, and to speak in such a way that the result is optimized.
LAJA: Do you have any regrets?
DBS: Yes, I sure do. I feel like I had let myself remain in a victim mode for a much longer period than necessary. It probably was a coping mechanism but I may have lost some precious time. The realization definitely made me stronger and more independent. And with that came the understanding for women to be financially independent as well. Keeping that in my mind, I initiated a community for Mommies and today, lead more than 5000 women to financial security on WhatsApp. So yes, the regret is that I could have reached more women.
LAJA: What did you have to sacrifice to get here today?
DBS: My full-time job! But I am glad I did. As with my business now, I can lead life on my own terms. There are challenges such as time management and productivity but with my goals as my motivation, I keep growing every day. This daily progress on three fronts in Life – Self, Family & Work is success to me!
LAJA: That is just beautiful! What would you say has been the most satisfying moment or aspect of your journey?
DBS: The fact I have created my business from scratch, all on my own gives me immense satisfaction. When I had sought for help, I had been refused the same.
Hence the self-discovery and independence it taught has me is my biggest achievement. I believe that the only person that is true to us is our inner being, our inner voice that keeps guiding us periodically.
LAJA: So what does a typical day look like in the life of such an industrious woman?
DBS: My day starts at 5am with some light exercise, meditation, planning and creating an Intent for the Day. I also like to tell myself some positive words and affirmations. Then there is preparations for the various meals of the day followed by work. Catering to prospective clients and advices for existing ones is what work looks like. The day ends around 9 pm with a review and reflection of the day.
LAJA: Maintaining a harmonious balance between family and brilliance in business is a commendable task. How do you do it so efficiently?
DBS: I try to interact with all my family members at least once a day, basically listening to them. This helps me to remain clued-in with their life. On the work front, I speak to coaches, read the best practices by experts in the industry and try to implement things to best suit me.
There Is Always Another Day!
Greatest Inspiration in Life | Parents. |
Book/s that inspired you the most | Warren Buffet – Investment Ideas |
What you love about yourself? | My leadership skills, My congeniality ,My smile! |
What you dislike about yourself? | Short temper and waking up late |
Favourite Quote you live by. | Work hard when others take rest and success will surely be your guest. |
4 thoughts on “Take no Rest, until Good becomes Better and Better becomes Best.”
Awesome ❤️ Dharmista…
Congratulations and best wishes
Wow, what a journey and what a words,”Take no Rest, until Good becomes Better and Better becomes Best.” All the best Dharmishtha for your future endeavours. You have much much more potential,than you think🤗🤗😘😘